Re-Running a Key Analysis - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Control Center

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
First publish date
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If Trillium did not find a key in the data that you expected, it is possible that you have poor data quality resulting in the key being less than 98% distinct. Or the key that you expected is comprised of more than 2 attributes.

Use this procedure to re-run a key analysis to find more potential keys that are less than 98% distinct or have more than 2 combined attributes.

To re-run a key analysis

  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the Home tab, select Keys/Deps > Discover.
    • In the Navigation View, right-click an entity and select Discover Keys or Dependencies....
    • In the Navigation View, from the Analysis tab, right-click Keys and select Discover Key or right-click a Baseline Analysis project and select Analyze > Discover Keys or Dependencies.

    The Discover Keys or Dependencies window opens.

  2. At the prompt Which entity do you want to re-analyze?, click an entity to highlight it.
  3. Enter a Job Name.
  4. Select Find Keys.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select sampling options using the following information:

    How many rows do you want to sample?

    Enter the number of rows to use in the key analysis.

    Note: If you have more than 10,000 rows, the default key analysis process is performed on a maximum sample of 10,000 rows. It is not recommended to go beyond this value. Performance will decrease dramatically.

    Start sampling at row?

    Enter the row position to begin the sample.

    Which rows do you want to include in the sample?


    Select one of the following:

    Every row

    Include every row in the key analysis.

    Every n rows

    Include every n row.

    Random n %

    Include a random sample of rows in the analysis.

    Enter a percentage of the total rows to sample.

    Place a check next to Re-use previous Random selection to reanalyze the same set of data as the previous random analysis.

    For example, if the last random analysis sampled from rows 1, 3 and 5; then, selecting Re-use previous Random selection will perform analysis on those same rows.

    Note: The random % is the percentage chance of rows being included. Therefore, the actual number of rows loaded may be different for each load of the same file even if you specify the same percentage.
  7. Optional: Click Defaults to reset all sample information to the defaults.
  8. Click Next
  9. At the prompt How unique must your keys be?, select a percentage.
  10. At the prompt What type of key do you want to discover? select:

    Single Attribute

    Select to only find primary keys.

    Multiple Attributes

    Select to find primary and composite keys.

  11. At the prompt Number of combined attributes, enter the maximum number of attributes that could comprise a composite key.
    Note: This option is only available if Multiple attributes is specified for What type of key do you want to discover. The higher the number entered, the longer the key analysis will take.
  12. Click Finish.
  13. Run the analysis now or schedule a time for the job to run later.
    Note: To monitor the progress of the analysis, from the main menu click Analysis > Background Tasks. Look for an entry with the type Key & Dependency Analysis and your user name under Created By.