Joins List Views are one way to find candidates for new entities. After a new entity is created, you can join it with other entities in the repository.You cannot convert a view into a repository if you do not have create permissions at the repository level.
To create an entity from joined data
Open a join in List View, right-click the join, and select Drill down to Join Metadata.
Double-click Inner joined rows.
The Inner Joining Rows List View displays.
Examine the joined results and hide any columns that you do not want in the new entity, such as row ids.
Right-click anywhere in the List View and select Convert view to entity....
Note: This option is disabled if you do not have create permission at the repository
The Create New Entity window opens.
Accept the default entity name, or enter a new name.
- Optional:
Select the Load data into new entity check box. Note the following:
- Selected - Loads the data shown in the List View into the repository and
calculates statistics using the data.
- Not selected - Creates a dynamic entity.
Click OK to create a new entity from this view.