Extracting 3rd Normal Form (3NF) Data - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Control Center

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
First publish date
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The Normal Form Decomposition feature is found in a Dependencies List View. You can extract 3rd Normal Form data from an entity that is not normalized. You extract by either creating an entity from a Dependencies List View or exporting the List View as a file.

A Normal Form Decomposition List View contains Lh Attrs values as the "key" on the left and all dependent Rh Attrs values (one for each dependency row selected) converted into columns. In effect, this is a 3rd Normal Form Decomposition of the entity.

The List View shows only a single Rh Attrs value per LH Attrs value. If the dependency is not 100% accurate, there will be contradictions. Contradictions indicate multiple Rh Attrs values for each LH Attrs value. In such cases, you'll find conflicts by drilling down. The single Rh Attrs value chosen in the "normalized" view is taken from the first row of the conflicts.

To extract 3NF data

  1. Open a Dependencies List View.
  2. Right-click one or more dependencies and select Normal Form Decomposition.
    Note: This option is only available for multiple dependencies if the values in the Lh Attrs column are the same.
  3. To extract the 3NF data, do one of the following:



    Create an Entity based on information shown in List View

    1. Right-click in List View and select Convert view to Entity….
    2. Enter a name for the entity.
    3. If necessary, check Load data into new Entity?
      • Checked—loads data shown into the repository and calculates data statistic
      • Not checked—creates a dynamic entity.

    Export information shown in List View

    Right-click in the List View and select either Export > All Rows/Selected Rows or Export to Server > All Rows/Selected Rows.