Exporting and Importing Library Attributes - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Control Center

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can export library attributes and use them in other repositories. You can import library attributes to work with in your current Business Rules Library. Exporting library attributes allows you to preserve versions of your compliance standards.

  • Exported files are saved as compressed .abr files that contain XML files of the library attribute and the ABR definitions it stores.
  • You can import both .abr and XML file types.
  • You can import files from your local system, remote systems including mapped drives, and UNC paths.
  • You must have read access to any files you plan to import and Export privileges for library attributes you want to export. Security permissions set on exported library objects are not retained upon import to another repository.

Export Locations

You can export one or more library attributes at a time to the following locations:

  • Local System. Select any directory on your system. This option is not available if your Repository Administrator selected the Disable access to file system setting for your environment.
  • Server System. The file is saved to the default export location on your server system. 

(For example, C:\ProgramData\Trillium Software\MBSW\17\Data\export)

Export library attributes

To export library attributes

  1. Click the Library tab.
  2. Right-click Attribute Business Rules and select Open.

    The All Library Attributes Icon View opens.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • Single attribute: Right-click the library attribute you want to export, and select Export. (You can also right-click a library attribute in the Navigation View and select Export.)
    • Multiple attributes: Select the library attributes you want to export, right-click, and select Export.

    The Export Library Attributes window opens.

  4. Enter a filename. If the target export directory already contains an .abr file with the same name, the file will be overwritten.
  5. Select one of the following, depending on where you are exporting the file:
    • Export to server filesystem.
    • Export to local filesystem. Click Browse to navigate to the folder where you want to save the export. (This option is not available if your Repository Administrator selected the Disable access to file system setting for your environment.)
  6. Click Export.

    The Export Complete window opens.

  7. Click OK.

Import library attributes

To import library attributes

  1. Do one of the following:
    • From the Navigation View, click the Library tab, right-click Attribute Business Rules and select Import.
    • Open an Icon View of all library attributes, right-click in the view, and select Import.

    The Import Library Attributes window opens.

  2. Select one of the following, depending on where you are importing the file from:
    • Import from server filesystem.
    • Import from local filesystem. This option is not available if your Repository Administrator selected the Disable access to file system setting for your environment.
  3. Click Browse to open the Select file or Open window.
  4. Navigate to the export location.
  5. Select one or more .abr files you want to import. If you are importing from your local system, you can rename the file.
    Note: You can also import XML files.
  6. Click Select or Open.
  7. In the Import Library Attributes window, click Import.

    The Import Complete window opens.

  8. Click OK.

    The library attributes and associated rules are imported and added to the Attribute Business Rules Library.