Disassociating Library Attributes - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Control Center

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
First publish date
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Disassociating attributes removes the connection between a library attribute and real attribute. The process updates the status of derived rules, making them stand-alone real copies of the library ABRs with no connections.

Note: You cannot associate or disassociate individual ABRs. Associations occur at the attribute level.

There are four ways to disassociate attributes:

  • From a library attribute
  • From a real attribute
  • From a derived ABR (disassociates a real attribute from the library attribute)
  • When you edit a rule in the Expression Builder. For more information about this method, see Editing Library Rules.

Disassociate a real attribute from a library attribute

To disassociate a real attribute from a library attribute

  1. In the Navigation View, right-click a real attribute and select Business rules > Disassociate.

    The Disassociate Attribute window opens. The top section displays the name of the current attribute and entity.

  2. In the Disassociate Library Attributes section, select the library attributes from which you want to disassociate.
  3. Click Finish.
  4. Open a List View of all ABRs in the real attribute. Note that the associated rules are no longer derived and no connection remains with the Library. You can now edit the expression elements of the rules.

Disassociate a library attribute from a real attribute

To disassociate a library attribute from a real attribute

  1. Click the Library tab.
  2. Expand Business Rules > Attribute Business Rules.
  3. Right-click an attribute and select Disassociate.

    The Disassociate Attribute window opens. The top section displays the name of the current library attribute.

  4. In the Disassociate column, select the attributes from which you want to disassociate.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Open a List View of all ABRs in the real attribute from which you disassociated the library attribute. Note that the associated rules are no longer derived and no connection remains with the Library. You can now edit the expression elements of the rules.

Disassociate derived ABRs from a library attribute

To disassociate derived ABRs from a library attribute

  1. In the Navigation View, right-click a real attribute and select Business rules > Drill down to attribute business rules.

    A List View of ABRs opens.

  2. Select one or more derived rules (rules that have a Yes value in the Derived column).
  3. Right-click and select Library rules > Disassociate.

    The Confirm window opens.

  4. Click Ok.
  5. Open a List View of all ABRs in the real attribute. Note that the associated rules are no longer derived and no connection remains with the Library. You can now edit the expression elements of the rules.