If you know which window keys are particularly large, an external cross-reference file is used to break up a large number of window keys of the same value. When this file is specified, the Relationship Linker or Reference Matcher appends the value in the attribute of your choice as the tiebreaker or secondary key, and creates smaller groups of rows with the same original window key values.
Assume that you have the following window keys that exceed 1000 rows, and that 1000 is the maximum number of rows you decided to have for the same window key:
Top 3 Window Keys (Window Key 01): AR578SL, BS419BE, TS224LF
Create a cross-reference file
To create a cross-reference file
Specify the cross-reference file
To specify the cross-reference file
Re-run the Relationship Linker or Reference Matcher process
To re-run the Relationship Linker or Reference Matcher process