The Window Key Generator applies algorithms to the primary and secondary attributes in building the window key rules. The algorithm is called Selection and found in the Selection list. It is also displayed as code in the Selection column in the Window Key graphical statistics file.
This table lists the code you will see in the stats file and its description of the selection.
Note: Codes with the symbol '#' invoke an option to begin building the window key using the
last word of the field. For example, 'A#' builds the window key using any character from
the last word of the field.
Note: The valid code for Asia-Pacific countries (China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan) is
Code | Selection |
A, A# |
Any character. |
V, V# |
Vowels only. |
Non-repeating vowels only. |
C, C# |
Consonants only. |
Non-repeating consonants only. |
FV, FV# |
Take the first character and subsequent vowels. |
Take the first character and non-repeating vowels starting from the first character. |
FVNR2, FVNR2# | Take the first character and non-repeating vowels starting from the second character. |
FC, FC# |
Take the first character and subsequent consonants. |
Take the first character and non-repeating consonants starting from the first character. |
FCNR2, FCNR2# | Take the first character and non-repeating consonants starting from the second character. |
I, I# | Initials |
I* | Initials sorted. |
R | If input value is 1, store value as 1. All other input values recode to a 2. Used primarily for pr_nmform_01 field. |
N | Numerics only. |
NNR | Non-repeating numerics only. |
NY | Algorithm based on standard NYSIIS code. See PARTIAL2 with modifier NYSIIS. |
OS | Original Soundex1. See SOUNDEX1 Routine. |
OS2 | Original Soundex1 Series 7 compatibility. The algorithm is the same as the OS rule in Series 7. See SOUNDEX1 Routine With Modifier (S7). |
ROS | Reversed original Soundex1. See RSOUNDEX1 Routine. |
ROS2 | Reversed original Soundex1 Series 7 compatibility. The algorithm is the same as the ROS rule in Series 7. See RSOUNDEX1 Routine With Modifier (S7). |
RIS | Reversed improved Soundex2. See RSOUNDEX2 Routine. |
RIS2 | Reversed improved Soundex2 Series 7 compatibility. The algorithm is the same as the RIS rule in Series 7. See RSOUNDEX2 Routine With Modifier (S7). |
IS | Improved Soundex 2. See SOUNDEX2 Routine. |
IS2 | Improved Soundex 2 Series 7 compatibility. The algorithm is the same as the IS rule in Series 7. See SOUNDEX2 Routine with Modifier (S7). |
A* | Any sorted. |
V* | Vowels only sorted. |
VNR* | Non-repeating vowels only sorted. |
C* | Consonants only sorted. |
CNR* | Non-repeating consonants only sorted. |
FV* | Take the first character and subsequent vowels sorted. |
FVNR* | Take the first character and non-repeating vowels sorted starting from the first character. |
FVNR2* | Take the first character and non-repeating vowels sorted starting from the second character. |
FC* | Take the first character and subsequent consonants sorted. |
FCNR* | Take the first character and non-repeating consonants sorted starting from the first character. |
FCNR2* | Take the first character and non-repeating consonants sorted starting from the second character. |
B | Blanks |
Z | Zeros |
BZ | Blanks or Zeros. |
RNY | Reversed NYSIIS code. Input string is reversed before the code is built. See PARTIAL2 with modifier RNYSIIS. |