The Transformer process uses the following advanced rules file:
Mask file. The mask file lists the mask characters which define each character in the data value. The default mask file name is See Using Masks.
If necessary, you can edit the file by copying it to the client and then
uploading it back to the server. The default file is stored in: C:/Program Files/Trillium Software/MBSW/17/tsq/tables/general_resources.
To edit the advanced rules file
From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the Transformer process and select Edit Process. You can also double-click the process to open it for editing.
Select the Advanced Rules tab. The path and name of the default rules file is displayed.
Click Copy to client. Select a destination folder and click OK. The file will be copied to the folder you specified.
Go to the destination folder and edit the file using a text editor.
Click Upload to upload the file back to the server.
Click Finish.
The default version of the rule file remains intact. A new version, identified by the process number, is saved in the repository directory under the project folder (for example, C:/ProgramData/Trillium Software/data/metabase/<repository_name>/project4/tables/