The Transformer allows you to call certain XML or JSON-based third-party web services in the Control Center, batch and real-time environments. For example, using the Transformer you can call a web service to obtain GPS coordinates or you can call a web service to generate reverse phone and address information. By inserting the Transformer process into your Quality project, you can also use the output of the web service as the input for the next process in the project.
Note the following guidelines:
- The Transformer supports REST calls and not SOAP calls. Some REST calls may not be supported depending on the authentication methods used.
- Valid subscription including user's keys and credentials for your intended web services is required.
- A Map File, which is an external file provided by Precisely, is required. The map file contains all the information required to define a specific web service call and its corresponding response. Map Files should be stored in: C:/Program Files/Trillium Software/MBSW/17/tsq/tables/general_resources.
Note: Map Files must be customized and provided by Trillium Software Consulting. Contact
Trillium Technical Support or your Trillium Account Representative for more