The Set Selection utility lets you select records based on match keys created during the linking process to evaluate a set (or group) of matching records. A selection process then filters out only the selected records to an output file.
The Set Selection utility is designed to be used for a set of data rows/records as input, and individual rows as output. (Individual rows can also be used as input depending on your needs.) You can specify Input and Output Settings such as the maximum number of records to be selected, minimum number of records per match key set to be selected, and an output row filter to select certain flagged records.
- Use Case Examples
The following use cases describe ways to use the Set Selection utility:
- Apply an input condition to the match key. For example, if the condition is set to LEV1_MATCHED=00001, then the Set Selection utility selects only records that have a LEV1_MATCHED attribute equal to 00001.
- Flag records throughout the set based on input conditional results, and then select those records where pattern 666 was used to match records together and investigate individual records on the output, as follows:
Add a new Attribute Transformation to flag rows in the set when the condition is met; for example,IF ANY(LEV1_MATCHED_PATTERN = 666)
Use the output row filter to select the rows with the set flag that you want to investigate further; for example,SELECT_RECORDS SELECT_FLAG = 1
- Use a Set Selection function to obtain the sum or the average value of one of the attributes in a set; for example, the average salary of all the employees in a business unit.
To insert/add and run the Set Selection utility