Input Settings - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Control Center

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You use the File Update - Inputs window to specify the master and transaction files and to define the settings for each file.

To establish the input settings

  1. In the Navigation or Project View, expand the project with which you want to work, and expand Processes.
  2. Right-click File Update and select Edit Process.
  3. Select the Inputs tab.
  4. Confirm the transaction file displayed in the Transaction file field.
  5. (Optional ) Click Input Settings.
    • Start record: Numeric value that specifies the row in the input file at which to begin processing. Default is 1.
    • Maximum records: Numeric value that specifies the maximum number of rows to process.
    • Sample every nth row: Numeric value that indicates an incremental sample of rows from a file for processing.
    • Row filter: An expression that defines conditions for filtering input rows. See Filtering Rows for more information.

    Fill in the appropriate fields and click Back.

  6. Confirm the master file displayed in the Master file field.
  7. (Optional) Click Input Settings.
    • Table update: When this option is checked, the File Update utility updates the unsorted master file for each row that matches the transaction file. The program only updates the first matched row in the master file with the contents of the first matched row in the transaction file. Any subsequent matches for that match key are ignored.
    Note: For enhanced performance, sort the master file by match key and do not enable this option.
    Note: If this option is enabled, the program assumes that the master file is not sorted and invalidates the unmatched transaction rows settings.
    • Start record: Numeric value that specifies the row in the input file at which to begin processing. Default is 1.
    • Maximum records: Numeric value that specifies the maximum number of rows to process.
    • Sample every nth row: Numeric value that indicates an incremental sample of rows from a file for processing.
    • Row filter: An expression that defines conditions for filtering input rows. See Filtering Rows for more information.

    Fill in the appropriate fields and click Back.

  8. (Optional) Click Swap Inputs if you want to switch the two input files.
  9. Click the Matching Keys tab.
    Note: To optimize performance, be sure that your master and transaction files are sorted by match key .
  10. Select from one to five match keys for the transaction file and one to five match keys for the master file.
    Note: The File Update utility will not run without the transaction and master match keys.
    Note: Attribute names for match keys do not need to be the same for the master and transaction files, although attribute lengths must be the same. The program searches for a match based on the values in the match keys specified.
    Note: The maximum attribute length is 10,000 bytes (5,000 double-bye characters).
  11. Click Finish.
  12. Proceed to specify the output settings.