Specifying Sort Options - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Control Center

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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After setting the sort attributes and sort order, specify sort options.  

To specify sort options

  1. Select the Options tab.
  2. Select the Default Collating Sequence from the drop-down list. See Sort Collating Sequence for description of each sequence.  
  3. (Optional) Specify how duplicate records are handled when there are duplicate keys. In Duplicates, select an option from the drop-down list.
    • Keep all the records. Keeps all the records including the duplicate records.
    • Keep one record. Keeps only one record within the duplicate set.
    • Keep none of the records. Keeps none of the duplicate records.
    • Keep just the duplicates. Keeps only the duplicate records.
    Note: The Keep one record option does not guarantee which record within the duplicate set will be retained. The Keep just the duplicates option is not currently supported.
  4. Specify Estimated number of records to sort. This option may be used to improve sort performance for delimited files. For non-delimited files, if this option is not set, the default processing is to pass the actual number of records based on the input files.
  5. Specify Location of temporary files. The temporary work files are created in your repository while a sort runs and can be very large. Use this option if you want to use a different location for the temporary files. The directory name should be unique so that the temporary files from different sorts do not overwrite each other.
    Note: Any directory to be used for this option must be set up as a virtual directory by the repository administrator. See Chapter 7 of the Repository Administrator's Guide.
    Note: When the sort process runs to completion, the temporary files are cleared. When the sort process is interrupted, the temporary files are not cleared and you need to manually remove them.
  6. Specify the amount of Memory to allocate to sort, in megabytes. There is no memory limit.
  7. If you want the output to retain the order of same-key records, check Retain order of same-key records. This option may be used to improve sort performance.
  8. Click Finish.