Creating Reference Match Keys - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Control Center

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Reference match keys are unique numbers that identify matches between the reference entity and input entity. If a match is determined, a reference match key is copied from the reference record to the matching input record. The Reference Matcher uses two attributes for the reference match keys: reference_level1_key and refence_level2_key.

By default, the values in the lev1_matched attribute in the Relationship Linker output is used as the reference match key at level 1. The values in the lev2_matched_in_lev1_matched attribute in the Relationship Linker output is used as the reference match key at level 2. Prior to creating a Reference Matcher process, these values must be copied to the empty attributes, reference_level1_key and reference_level2_key, in the reference entity. Later in the Reference Matcher process, if a match is found, reference_level1_key is copied to matched records at level 1 and reference_level2_key is copied to matched records at level 2 in the output.

To create reference match keys

  1. Right-click the output entity from the Relationship Linker and select Add process branch > Transformer.
  2. Open the Transformer process for editing.
  3. Right-click within the Output Transformations pane (right-hand side) and select Add > New > Attribute Scan.
  4. Copy lev1_matched to reference_level1_key using Mask Value NNNNNNNN (eight Ns) for scan value. lev1_matched contains the unique value for matched records at level 1. See Scanning Attributes for the procedure to scan and copy the value in the attribute.
  5. Copy lev2_matched_in_lev1_matched to reference_level2_key using Mask Value NNNNNNNN (eight Ns) for scan value. lev2_matched_in_lev1_matched contains the unique value for matched records at level 2 within the matched records at level 1. See Scanning Attributes for the procedure to scan and copy the value in the attribute.

    Optionally, you can also create reference match keys for level 1 and level 2 suspects. You may need to add two extra attributes to the output schema if it does not already contain attributes that could be used by these settings. For example, add two attributes, reference_level1_suspect_key and reference_level2_suspect_key, to your output schema and then copy lev1_suspect and lev2_suspect_in_lev1_suspect to each key.

    Note: When you add attributes for suspects to the output schema, you must apply schema changes before you run the Transformer.
  6. Run the Transformer. The output entity becomes your reference entity.
  7. Continue to prepare an input (transaction) entity.