If you are running the process in the CASS mode,you have to specify the postal form settings in the Advanced Postal Matcher settings window. CASS certification requires submission of a CASS Summary Report, also known as PS Form 3553. This form may be generated as the output of address matching when used in conjunction with the current USPS address database files. To output PS 3553 you must set these advanced options.
To specify US Postal Matcher advanced settings
In the US Postal Matcher Options window, select the Output Postal Form check box and click Settings. The Advanced Postal Matcher settings window displays.
Leave the Postal form database date option blank; it is a placeholder and is not currently used.
In Postal form list name, specify the list name that contains the postal certification report.
In Postal form customer name, specify the customer name for the postal form.
In Postal form job number, specify the job number, or other comment, to print on the census statistics form.
Click Back to return to the US Postal Matcher Options window.
Click Finish.