In addition to employing tokenizing algorithms to identify address elements, the Postal Matcher also defines geographic elements into logical hierarchies. As shown in the following table, a Level 1 geography is the highest (largest) geographic or postal level. The following table shows the geographic levels and examples for Korea.
Note: The following examples are based on the 6-digit postal code system and not on the new
5-digit postal code system.
Note: For Korea, both Seoul and Kyunggido are Level 1 geographic levels. In the case of Seoul,
Kangnam-gu is a valid Level 2 element and Daechi-dong is a valid Level 3 element.
Term | Concept | Metro Example | City/Suburb Example | Rural Example |
Level 1 | Major cities/ Province | 서울 | 경기도 | 강원도 |
Level 2 | City/County | 강남구 | 고양시 일산구 | 횡성군 |
Level 3 | District | 대치3동 | 백석동 | 횡성읍 |
Block /Sub-block |
Delivery point |
973-2 | N/A | 정암리 |
Level 4 | Delivery zone | ㅇㅇ아파트 | ㅇㅇ아파트 | N/A |
Apt / House |
Alt. delivery point |
101-1201 | 301-705 | 45号 |
Postcode | Postal Code | 135-778 | 411-775 | 225-806 |