An address code is 10 alphanumeric digits of codified address information. Each digit represents the following geographic code.
- 1-2 digit : code for level 1 (prefecture = todofuken)
- 3-4 digit : code for level 2 (city, ward, county = shikugun)
- 5-10 digit : code for level 3 (town, village, etc = choson, oaza, chome)
Input Data | 東京都 新宿区 北新宿1-5-2 |
Address Code | 2504160008 |
In this example, the code for level 1 is "25", level 2 is "04, and level 3 is "160008".
東京都 | 新宿区 | 北新宿1 | |
level 1 | level 2 | level 3 | |
Address Code | 25 | 04 | 160008 |
When the input address has been "abolished", the ACE produces the address code of the new address. When the input address is still in use, it produces the address code for the input address. The following example shows the relationship of succession for an abolished address.
Address | Status | Abolished Date | Input Address Code | New Address Code |
埼玉県大宮市砂町1丁目 | Abolished | 2001/5/1 | 2305018010 | 2348090010 |
埼玉県さいたま市砂町1丁目 | Abolished | 2003/4/1 | 2348090010 | 2352009010 |
埼玉県さいたま市北区砂町1丁目 | Current | 0/0/0 | 2352009010 | 2352009010 |