JP Postal Matcher Address Code Edition (ACE) validates and returns various address information. The primary functions of the ACE Postal Matcher are to:
- Validate the kanji/kana address up to level 3 (choson or block level)
- Standardize the kanji/kana address
- Obtain the kanji address from kana address or kana address from kanji address
- Obtain the new address from the old address for data update
- Generate address codes to track the succession of abolished addresses
The ACE Postal Matcher looks up the address dictionary based on the input address data. The input address can be kanji address, kana address, postal code, address code, or any combination of those address elements. Upon address validation, the Postal Matcher obtains various address information and generates the output. The output includes the kanji/kana address, geographic levels, a 7-digit postal code, address code, and bar code. If the input address has been changed, the Postal Matcher returns the most recent address and its status information.
Before using the ACE Postal Matcher, make sure that you are familiar with the following Japanese address elements and output attributes:
- Address Code. 10 alphanumeric digits of codified address information. Each digit represents the geographic code.
- Bar Code. 23 alphanumeric digits of address information. It consists of the postal code, jukyo code, and jukyo part such as building number, floor number and unit number.
- Jukyo Code. Codified address information of Jukyo part in the level 4 (hosoku) address.
- Output attributes. The output includes address elements for level 1 (prefecture), level 2 (city, ward, county), level 3 (town, village), level 4 (remaining elements), and others.
- See example
Input Data: 多摩市桜が丘1-59-51 桜ヶ丘研修センター 2F
The following table shows the output in this example. You can also obtain other address information.
Output Item Output Attribute Output Data Kanji Address pr_addr_mail 東京都多摩市桜ケ丘1丁目 Kana Address pr_h_addr_mail トウキヨウトタマシサクラガオカ1- Kanji Level 1 (Kanji Todofuken) pr_level1 東京都 Kana Level 1 (Kana Todofuken) pr_h_level1 トウキヨウト Kanji Level 2 (Kanji Shikugun) pr_level2 多摩市 Kana Level 2 (Kana Shikugun) pr_h_level2 タマシ Kanji Level 3 (Kanji Choson) pr_level3 桜ケ丘 1丁目 Kana Level 3 (Kana Choson) pr_h_level3 サクラガオカ1- Level 4 (Hosoku Address) pr_level4 59-51 桜ヶ丘研修センター 2F Postal Code pr_postcode 2060013 Address Code pr_addr_code 2556007010 Jukyo Code pr_jukyo_code 59-51 Bar Code pr_barcode <20600131-59-51-2****&>
Click any of the following topics to learn more about how to setup and run the Postal Matcher process.
- Schema Editor
- Output Settings
- Options
- Editing Advanced Options
- Running the Postal Matcher
- Reviewing Output