The Australian (AU) Postal Matcher compares your data with the Australian GAV table and returns address details and database matches. The AU Postal Matcher is certified by an Australia Post certification program, the Address Matching Approval System (AMAS).
The primary functions of the AU Postal Matcher are to:
- Collect a list of all possible streets/building names in a municipality that are possible matches for the AU Postal Matching data
- Compare address components of the data to the possible matches and grades those possible matches
- Evaluate the graded possibilities to determine the level of the match
- Populate the Postal Matching Output area with the result
The Postal Matchers use output from the parsing process as inputs. To obtain optimum performance, the input to the Postal Matchers must first be sorted in geographic order, using the Sort Utility.
Note: Effective on November 1, 2018, in accordance with Australia Post licensing terms, the AU
Global Address Verification (GAV) tables will automatically expire approximately 5 months
from their release date. For more information, see the technical bulletin Changes to
Australian (AU) GAV Tables and AU Postal Matcher available from the documentation
page of the Precisely Support website.
Click any of the following topics to learn more about how to setup and run the Postal Matcher process.
- Schema Editor
- Input and Output Settings
- Options
- Editing Advanced Rules
- Running the Postal Matcher
- Postal Directory Browser