Match Level Codes - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Control Center

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
First publish date
Last updated
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The following table describes the Match Level Codes. Not all codes apply to every postal matcher. See notes within each description.

Code Description


Exact match

Input data successfully matched directory.


City/Province failure

City/province does not match directory. Possible cause: Input city name is misspelled or missing.


Street name failure

Street name does not match directory. Possible cause: Input street name is misspelled or missing.


House number range failure

Input house number does not match the house number range in the directory. For example, the input data is `100 Main Street' but the range for `Main Street' is 1-99.


Street component failure

Average of the street name score and the supplemental component score is lower than the acceptable score. Too many errors of address components on input to return a valid match. For example, input data has an invalid neighborhood, and incorrect postcode and unit.Does not apply to the Global Postal Matcher.


Multiple possible matches to Directory

Input data incomplete.

Example: `10 Main' is on input, but directory contains two examples of `Main', `Main Street' and `Main Road'. Neither `road' nor `street' is specified on the input data; therefore, it is an ambiguous match.

Does not apply to the Global Postal Matcher.


Match exists, but too many corrections were required to make the match. System might find a match to the directory, but `fails' because too many corrections were made.

For example, if the system corrected a city misspelling, an incorrect street type and added a missing state, the match fails.

Only returned from the Australia (AU) Postal Matcher.

Rural Record Failure

Unable to verify rural record information.

Only returned from the Canada (CA) Postal Matcher.

Match to GAV table but did not DPV confirm.

Applies to CASS mode only.

No match to street address. Usually when the postal service does not provide complete street information, especially in rural areas.

Possible cause: Input data might contain a street name, but the directory contains only partial or no street data.

Only returned from the Custom Postal Matcher.

Aggregate failure. Record contained multiple failures.

Only returned from the Global Postal Matcher.


Match to Street DPID

Possible cause: Matched below DPID level because no acceptable house number match was available. Only returned from the Australia (AU) Postal Matcher.

Server Failure. The record was not processed.

Only returned from the Global Postal Matcher.


Match to Locality DPID

Possible cause: Matched below DPID level because no acceptable house number match was available, and could not match to street level DPID.

Only returned from the Australia (AU) Postal Matcher.