The following table describes the Match Level Codes. Not all codes apply to every postal matcher. See notes within each description.
Code | Description |
0 |
Exact match Input data successfully matched directory. |
1 |
City/Province failure City/province does not match directory. Possible cause: Input city name is misspelled or missing. |
2 |
Street name failure Street name does not match directory. Possible cause: Input street name is misspelled or missing. |
3 |
House number range failure Input house number does not match the house number range in the directory. For example, the input data is `100 Main Street' but the range for `Main Street' is 1-99. |
4 |
Street component failure Average of the street name score and the supplemental component score is lower than the acceptable score. Too many errors of address components on input to return a valid match. For example, input data has an invalid neighborhood, and incorrect postcode and unit.Does not apply to the Global Postal Matcher. |
5 |
Multiple possible matches to Directory Input data incomplete. Example: `10 Main' is on input, but directory contains two examples of `Main', `Main Street' and `Main Road'. Neither `road' nor `street' is specified on the input data; therefore, it is an ambiguous match. Does not apply to the Global Postal Matcher. |
6 |
Match exists, but too many corrections were required to make the match. System might find a match to the directory, but `fails' because too many corrections were made. For example, if the system corrected a city misspelling, an incorrect street type and added a missing state, the match fails. Only returned from the Australia (AU) Postal Matcher. |
Rural Record Failure Unable to verify rural record information. Only returned from the Canada (CA) Postal Matcher. |
Match to GAV table but did not DPV confirm. Applies to CASS mode only. |
No match to street address. Usually when the postal service does not provide complete street information, especially in rural areas. Possible cause: Input data might contain a street name, but the directory contains only partial or no street data. Only returned from the Custom Postal Matcher. |
Aggregate failure. Record contained multiple failures. Only returned from the Global Postal Matcher. |
7 |
Match to Street DPID Possible cause: Matched below DPID level because no acceptable house number match was available. Only returned from the Australia (AU) Postal Matcher. |
Server Failure. The record was not processed. Only returned from the Global Postal Matcher. |
8 |
Match to Locality DPID Possible cause: Matched below DPID level because no acceptable house number match was available, and could not match to street level DPID. Only returned from the Australia (AU) Postal Matcher. |