Opening the Parsing Exceptions File - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Parser Tuner allows you to review entries interactively in an exceptions file and take corrective action. You can review individual parsing exceptions, for example bad patterns, and compare the exceptions against the corresponding data, and create an entry in the Customized Definitions table to correct the problem.

To open the Parsing Exception file

  1. Launch the Parser Tuner.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click CDP Parsing Exceptions Analyzer or BDP Parsing Exceptions Analyzer, depending on your Parser. The contents of the exceptions file for your current parser project displays in the Parsing Exceptions Analyzer.
    Note: You can also open the exceptions file by selecting File > Open Error log.
  3. To open another exceptions file, click File > Open Parsing Exceptions File. The Open Parsing Exceptions File window opens. Navigate to the appropriate directory on your system. For example, the BDP exceptions file is located in C:/ProgramData/Trillium Software/Data/metabase/repository_name/entity_name/parse_exceptions.txt.
    Note: If you are unsure of the file name, in the Navigation pane, hover your curser over the Customized Definitions file to view its directory location on your system. The entity name displays as part of this directory structure; for example E111.

    The file opens in the edit window and a file icon displays in the Navigation pane in the Opened Files folder. To correct bad patterns and other entries in the file, see Correcting Pattern Problems.