A token may be defined in relation to its position within the name or address line. There are several types of positions:
- BEG (Beginning)
- END (Ending)
- DEF (Default)
- Beg-Word
- End-Word
The first token in an attribute or before the first space character.
Attribute 1 |
Attribute 2 |
王 立文 先生 |
东城区 长安大街 一号 |
In the example above, '王' and '东城区' are at the beginning positions of their respective attributes.
The last token of an attribute or after the last space character in the attribute.
Attribute 1 |
Attribute 2 |
王 立文 先生 |
东城区 长安大街 一号 |
In the example above, '先生' and '一号' are at the end of their respective attributes.
When the physical location of the word in the line is irrelevant, use "Default." A default word may appear anywhere on the line, including the beginning or end. If position is omitted from the entry, Default is assumed.
The first token in an attribute, any token that has a space after it, or any token that comes at the beginning of a longer string that may not be separated by a space character.
Attribute 1 |
Attribute 2 |
王 立文 先生 |
东城区 长安大街 一号 |
In the example above, all words except ‘先生’ and ‘一号’ are at the beginning of the "words."
The last token of an attribute, any tokens with space characters before them, or any tokens that occur at the end of a longer string.
Attribute 1 |
Attribute 2 |
王 立文 先生 |
东城区 长安大街 一号 |
In the example above, all tokens except ‘王’ and ‘东城区’ occur at the ending of the "word".
A variation on END-WORD is the position "END-NUMBER", which allows the user to search for character data immediately followed by a numeral. For example, with "王2350大街", the position "END-NUMBER" would find "王", but END-WORD would not. This has been implemented to account for the fact that Asian data might appear with or without space characters.