Name entries include specific names for persons or businesses and are used by the Customer Data Parser process. The user can create a specific name entry as in the following examples.
Example - China
'中国特性工商银行'DEF ATT=BUSINESS-NAME REC= '中国工商银行'
In this example, when a string called '中国特性工商银行' is located anywhere in the record (position DEF), the Parser will assign the attribute (ATT) as being a name of a business (BUSINESS-NAME), and recode (REC) the value to '中国工商银行', the business name that the user prefers to use in this specific case.
Example - Japan
In this example, when a string called '住友電工' is located in the record, the Parser will assign the attriute (ATT) as being a name of a business (BNP_NAME), and output the value to pr_bnp_name and output the principal business name '住友電気工業' to the pr_bnp_namep attribute.
Example - Korea
In this example, when a string called '포철' is located anywhere in the record (position DEF), the Parser will assign the attribute (ATT) as being a name of a business (BUSINESS-NAME), and recode (REC) the value to '포스코', the business name that the user prefers to use in this specific case.
Example - Taiwan
'上海商銀' DEF ATT=BUSINESS-NAME REC='上海商業儲蓄銀行'
In this example, when a string called '上海商銀' is located anywhere in the record (position DEF), the Parser will assign the attribute (ATT) as being a name of a business (BUSINESS-NAME), and recode (REC) the value to '上海商業儲蓄銀行', the business name that the user prefers to use in this specific case.