Geographic entries include any geographic elements and are used by the Postal Matcher process. The user can create a geographic entry as in the following examples.
Example - China
'潮阳区' REC='朝阳区'
This entry tells the Postal Matcher to look for 潮阳区, and change the incorrectly used word 潮 to 朝.
Example - Japan
This entry tells the Postal Matcher to treat '霞が関ビル' as a building name.
Example - Korea
'서울,서초구,양제동' LEVEL-RECODE REC='서울,서초구,양재동'
This entry tells the Postal Matcher to look for 서울 서초구 양제동, a misspelling of the Level 3 geography, and have its value changed via the "REC" keyword to 양재동.
Example - Taiwan
'土林區' REC='士林區'
This entry tells the Postal Matcher to look for 土林區, and change the incorrectly used word, 土 to 士.