PNP_NAME is used to register additional personal names. If you found last names or first names that are not parsed, you can add them using this value. The following types are used for the PNP_NAME value.
- When you add new entries, avoid adding duplicate words in different type.
- Small characters must be converted to large characters when adding hankaku kana last and first names.
- The hankaku name is used as reading of the name when parsing zenkaku names.
Type | Item |
Description |
L | Last Name | Additional last names. Reading of Kanji name can be registered. |
F | First Name | Additional first names. Reading of Kanji name can be registered. |
Each entry consists of the following items:
'<Zenkaku personal name entry>' att=PNP_NAME type=<type>, hankaku='<Hankaku personal name entry>'
'潤平' att=PNP_NAME type=F, hankaku='ジュンペイ'