The BNP value contains masks that are used to separate business name, business type and branch name in the business processing mode. You can decide the final separated pattern for business records when you do not separate contact name.
Note: Customization of token masks is intended for advanced users only. Before you customize
the token masks, you must fully understand the effects of making such changes.
The BNP value uses the following tokens.
Token | Description |
B | Business branch section |
C | Business keyword. Words that can be part of business name or branch name. |
D | Branch name. It can be a branch name by itself. |
M | Merge with previous token |
N | Business name |
P | Title (position) |
R | Region |
S | Space (full-width or half-width) |
T | Business type |
U | Unknown token |
* | Wildcard for any token. It cannot be used alone. |
? | Wildcard for 1 token excluding S (space). |
Each entry consists of the following items:
'<Original final mask>' att=token-mask BNP rec='<new mask>'
'UCC' att=token-mask BNP rec='NMM'
'?SRB' att=token-mask BNP rec='NSBM'
'TS*RU' att=token-mask BNP rec='TSNBM'