When a Parser process cannot verify a word or phrase, it flags it as a possible problem. Each Parser handles word problems differently:
- CDP. Flags words in the exceptions file it does not recognize, typically because of a misspelling; for example, cities, localities, and post towns. Modify words in the Parsing Exceptions Analyzer.
- BDP. Writes words to the miscellaneous data output attribute that have not been defined in the Customized Definitions table.
Correct CDP word problems
To correct CDP word problems
Correct BDP word problems
To correct BDP word problems
You define words using the following methods:
- Using the BDP Word Definitions Tool in the BDP configuration window. For information, seeAdding Word and Phrase Definitions in BDP
- Directly into the Customized Definitions table. For information, see Adding a Definition to a Custom Definition Table
- Using the word definition table in the Library. For information, see Managing Word Definition Tables