The Relationship Linker is a utility that evaluates records for potential matches, enabling you to eliminate duplicate records and identify households.
You use the Rules Editor to define the fields, patterns, grade thresholds, and
comparison routines for the Relationship Linker process.
To launch the Rules Editor
Right-click the Relationship Linker process and select Edit Process from the pop-up menu.
Select Tools from the navigation menu and click Launch Rules Editor. Three separate windows open: The Rules Editor window (the parent), the Field List Editor window, and the Grade Pattern Editor window.
Click the tab that represents the matching level you want.
Note: Depending on the data you are processing, the parent window has from one to
four tabs: two for consumer records (one for household level matching and one for
individual level) and two for business records (one for company level matching and
one for contact level).
From the Window menu, click Tile Horizontally to view both the Field and Pattern Editors.
Use the Field List Editor and Grade Pattern Editor to review or customize the rules used by the Relationship Linker.
Click another tab and repeat Step 5.