Performing a Comparison Test - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Control Center

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
First publish date
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The steps for testing routines are the same for most of the comparison routines. The exceptions are ARRAY1, ARRAY2, DATE, DISTANCE, LEVENSHTEIN, MXDNAME and SUBSTRNG. This topic describes the general steps for testing routines; the exceptions are documented individually.

To perform a standard comparison test

  1. Select the Compare tab.
  2. Enter a value for the first field in the Record 1, Field 1 text box, and then enter a value for the second field in the Record 2, Field 1 text box. Record values are saved into the drop-down list for later usage. The drop-down list can hold up to a maximum of 30 saved values.
    Note: The Field 2 text boxes are only available for use with the DISTANCE, MXDNAME, SUBSTRNG, and TOKENIZE routines. For all other routines, these boxes are dimmed. The Field 3 text boxes are only active with the MXDNAME routine. For all other routines, these boxes are dimmed.
  3. Click the Encoding drop-down list and select the encoding used in the records.
  4. If you are performing a case-sensitive comparison, click the Match Case check box.
  5. Select a routine in the Comparison Routines list.
  6. If the routine you selected uses modifiers, they appear in the Routine Modifiers box. Select one or two modifiers or blank in the Routine Modifiers box. To choose more than one item, hold down the Ctrl key while you make your selections.
  7. Click Compare. The score appears in the Score box.
  8. Click to add the results to the Comparison Results panel.
  9. Select the Comparison Results tab. The compared values and comparison score display in the Comparison Results panel.
  10. (Optional) Select File > Save Comparison Results.
  11. In the Save window, select or create a folder where you want to save the comparison results. Default file location is C:\temp. Click Save. All information from the comparison results panel will be saved to a file.
  12. To clear the comparison results, click .
  13. Go back to the Compare tab and click to clear the input records and score field.