The table given below describes all attributes for the US Census option.
Attribute Name |
Length |
Description |
us_cen_irc_accuracy |
1 |
Accuracy score for the resulting latitude and longitude. Possible values are: From Interpolated: A - An average distance of less than 25 yds/house B - An average distance of 25 to 100 yds/house C - An average distance of 100 to 250 yds/house D - An average distance of 250 to 750 yds/house E - An average distance of more than 750 yds/house F - Street level default match. The Postal Matcher could not match in the house range but obtained the street. From Address Point: 1 - Latitude/longitude populated with parcel centroid point from Address Point. All other output fields populated from Interpolated files. 2- Latitude/longitude populated with structure centroid point from Address Point. All other output fields populated from Interpolated files. 3 - Latitude/longitude populated with street frontage point from Address Point. All other output fields populated from Interpolated files. L - Driveway offset points M - Street access point R - Address range. A named building with a range of house numbers. |
us_cen_irc_cbsa |
5 |
Core-based statistical area. Five-digit code that defines a metropolitan or micropolitan area. |
us_cen_irc_cbsa_name |
50 |
Corresponding CBSA name for returned CBSA code. |
us_cen_irc_county_name |
50 |
Corresponding county name for returned county code. |
us_cen_irc_match_level |
1 |
Highest match level. Values are: 0 - Exact match to table 1 - 5-digit ZIP code failure 2 - Street name failure 3 - House Number Range Failure 4 - Supplemental address component failure 5 - Multiple possible matches to table |
us_cen_irc_msa_ind |
1 |
Indicates whether the us_cen_reslv_msa attribute contains an MSA or PMSA. |
us_cen_irc_msa_name |
50 |
Corresponding MSA/PMSA name for returned MSA/PMSA code. |
us_cen_irc_necma |
4 |
New England county metropolitan area. Four-digit code that defines a metropolitan area in New England. Similar to MSA. |
us_cen_irc_necma_name |
50 |
Corresponding NECMA name for returned NECMA code. |
us_cen_irc_place |
5 |
Census place code—code assigned to places (including independent cities). |
us_cen_irc_place_name |
50 |
Corresponding place name for returned place code. |
us_cen_irc_ret_code |
1 |
Return code, for program execution status. |
us_cen_irc_mcd |
5 |
Census Minor Civil Division (five-digit code). Note: As of v15.5, the Centroid products no longer contain MCD data and
this attribute is filled with zeros.
us_cen_irc_smcd |
5 |
Census Sub Minor Civil Division (five-digit code). A further sub-division of an MCD; specifically, a sub-barrio in Puerto Rico. SMCDs are legal subdivisions of MCDs. Note: As of v15.5, the Centroid products no longer contain MCD data and
this attribute is filled with zeros.
us_cen_irc_street_name |
30 |
Street name. |
us_cen_irc_street_post_direction |
2 |
Street post direction: street directional that follows the street name. |
us_cen_irc_street_pre_direction |
2 |
Street prefix direction—precedes the street name. |
us_cen_irc_street_suffix |
4 |
Street type. |
us_cen_reslv_block |
4 |
Census block code. Indicates a small statistical subdivision of a census tract. |
us_cen_reslv_coord_level |
1 |
Accuracy indicator of the returned data. Values are: 0=Record did not match any Census file. 1=Interpolated. 2=XRef (match on nine-digit zip code). 3=GACI (match on five-digit zip code). 4=City Centroid (match on city/state). Blank=Census not enabled. Note: If the value is 2 or 3, the following attributes will be returned:
us_cen_irc_cbsa, us_cen_irc_cbsa_name, us_cen_irc_msa_ind,
us_cen_irc_necma, and us_cen_irc_necma_name.
us_cen_reslv_county |
3 |
FIPS County code. Depicts a primary political subdivision of a state. |
us_cen_reslv_latitude |
9 |
Measured in degrees to six decimal places. The Latitude is the angular distance, up to 90 degrees, north or south of the equator. |
us_cen_reslv_latitude_degree |
3 |
The degrees portion of the Latitude. Measured in degrees to zero decimal places. |
us_cen_reslv_latitude_minute |
2 |
The minutes portion of the Latitude. Measured in minutes of arc to zero decimal places. |
us_cen_reslv_latitude_second |
2 |
The seconds portion of the Latitude. Measured in seconds of arc to zero decimal places. |
us_cen_reslv_longitude |
10 |
Measured in degrees to six decimal places. The Longitude is the angular distance, up to 180 degrees, east or west of prime meridian in Greenwich, England. |
us_cen_reslv_longitude_degree |
4 |
The degrees portion of the Longitude. Measured in degrees to zero decimal places. |
us_cen_reslv_longitude_minute |
2 |
The minutes portion of the Longitude. Measured in minutes of arc to zero decimal places. |
us_cen_reslv_longitude_second |
2 |
The seconds portion of the Longitude. Measured in seconds of arc to zero decimal places. |
us_cen_reslv_mcd |
5 |
Census Minor Civil Division (five-digit code). Note: As of v15.5, the Centroid products no longer contain MCD data and
this attribute is filled with zeros.
us_cen_reslv_msa |
4 |
Census Metropolitan Statistical Area (four-digit code). |
us_cen_reslv_state |
2 |
The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) state code is a two-digit number between 01–99. |
us_cen_reslv_tract |
6 |
The Census Tract code is a number with an implied decimal point and two-digit suffix, between 0001.00–9899.99, that indicates a small statistical subdivision of a county. |
us_cen_reslv_county_name |
50 |
Corresponding county name for returned county code. |