Non-blank and Non-zero Options - 17.1

Inline Quality and Discovery

Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Inline Quality and Discovery

When you specify the decision routines for commonizing or survivor selection, you can optionally select the non-blank (NB), non-zero (NZ), and non-blank/non-zero (NBZ) options for certain routines.

The non-blank, non-zero, and non-blank/non-zero options are used to exclude blank or zero-filled values from comparison of the test attribute. If the options are set, the rows that contain a blank or zero-filled attribute are skipped. If all rows contain either a blank or zero-filled values in the test attribute, then the first row in the match group is selected.

The non-blank, non-zero, and non-blank/non-zero options are available for the following routines:

No Copy Option

The No Copy Option is an additional option and available only when the non-blank, non-zero, or non-blank/non-zero option is selected for certain routines. The no copy option is used in conjunction with the non-blank or/and non-zero options to prevent the Commonizer from selecting the first row when all rows contain either a blank or zero-filled values in the test attribute.

The No Copy Option is available for the following routines: