HTTPS Configuration - trillium_geolocation - 15.21

Trillium Geolocation Reference

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Trillium > Trillium Geolocation
Product name
Trillium Geolocation
Trillium Geolocation Reference
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HTTPS options are configured using the httpsOptions block in the config.js file:

httpsOptions = {
   port: 4000,
    keyfile: '../../../security/service/servicepkey.pem',
    certfile: '../../../security/service/service.cer'

The following options must be configured:

port : The port number on which to run the HTTP endpoint for the REST Interface. By default, this is configured to 4000.

keyfile : The PEM file containing the private key used for SSL encryption by the REST Interface. This can be specified as an absolute path or as a path relative to the config.js file.

By default, this option is configured to use the private key supplied by Precisely and included with the installation. However, it is recommended that you supply your own private key file. For more information, see Security.

certfile : The file containing the X509 security certificate used to secure the REST Interface for HTTPS. This certificate must include a public key that corresponds to the private key in keyfile. This can be specified as an absolute path or as a path relative to the config.js file.

By default, these options are configured to use the certificate and private key supplied by Precisely and included with the installation. However, it is recommended that you supply your own security certificate and private key. For more information, see Security.

Alternatively, the private key and X509 security certificate can be jointly specified as a PKCS#12 package file:

httpsOptions = {
   port: 4000,
    pkcsfile: '../../../security/service/service.pfx'

Alternatively, you can use the following options instead of the keyfile and certfile options if you have a PKCS#12 package file:

pkcsfile : The PKCS#12 package file containing the X509 security certificate and corresponding private key used to secure the REST Interface for HTTPS. This can be specified as an absolute path or as a path relative to the config.js file. By default, this option is not configured.

If the PKCS#12 file was created with a passphrase, this can be specified in config.js as follows:

httpsOptions = {
   port: 4000,
    pkcsfile: '../../../security/service/service.pfx',
    passphrase: 'ABC123'

passphrase : The passphrase for the PKCS#12 package file specified in pkcsfile, if required. If pkcsfile does not require a passphrase, this option can be omitted. By default, this option is not configured.

To disable HTTPS entirely, remove (or comment out) the entire httpsOptions block from the config.js file.