The second segment of the ACR code provides the status of the address component fields. The status for each field consists of a single character component label followed by a numeric value. The component labels are:
D - department
M - company
B - building
U - sub-building
P - premise / house number
S - street
Q - sub-street
X - PO Box
A - sub-city
T - city
E - extra city / cedex
R - region / state
W - principality
Z - postcode / zip code
Y - extra postcode / DPS
C - country
The numeric values are:
0 - not found / empty
1 - identified using position in input data
2 - identified using Global Datastore
3 - identified and corrected to standard form using Global Datastore
4 - validated using Global Datastore
5 - validated and corrected using Global Datastore
6 - appended using Global Datastore
9 - update needed to match Global Datastore (suppressed by ForceUpdate option)