Editing Notes and Adding Comments - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
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You can edit and comment on any note associated with a data source or attribute. You can edit a note's class, subclass, business impact, project impact, and the note text. You cannot edit the note's subject.

You and others with access can add comments in the Note History section. Comments are visible to team members to help track progress, answer questions, and clarify data quality goals. Note History also includes a log of all edits made to the note, and shows details about users who made the change and the time and date the changes were made. Comments and changes are added to the top of the Note History thread and display in ascending order.

Note: If you edit a note that includes a customized (configured by the Discovery Center administrator) or Time Series class, you can change the class and subclass to use a default class, but you cannot edit a class to use a Time Series class or a different custom class. For more information, see Note Classes and Subclasses.

Edit a Note

To edit a note

  1. Open a Notes or Notes: attribute_name tab to see the available notes. See Viewing Notes.
  2. Double-click a row or select a row and click Edit Note. The Edit Note window opens showing information about the note including the user who created it, the date and time it was created, and the note's subject. This information cannot be changed.
  3. Click the Edit button. The Class, Subclass, Business Impact, and Project Impact drop-down lists become active.
    Note: You do not have to click the Edit button to edit the note text.
  4. Make your edits as needed.
  5. Click Save Changes. The Edit Note window closes.

Add a Comment

To add a comment

  1. In the Edit Note window, click Add Comment. The comment text field displays.
  2. Enter the comment in the text field.
    Note: You cannot edit a comment after it has been saved to the note.
  3. Scroll down and click Save Comment. (If you do not want to save the comment, click Cancel). The comment is added to the top of the Note History thread.
  4. When you finish with edits and comments, click Close to close the Edit Note window.