Examining Null Values - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
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A data row may contain a null (empty) value for an attribute. You examine null values for specific attributes by examining attribute metadata and drilling down to data rows.

To examine null count rows in a specific attribute

  1. To open a data source, from the left navigation menu, click View Data Sources. The Find Data Sources panel opens. By default, the Show All search is active and the results view populated with all data sources in the repository.
  2. On the Data Sources tab, double-click the data source that contains the attribute whose metadata you want to examine. The Data Source: Name panel opens with the Summary tab active.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • On the Summary tab, in the Attribute Completeness chart, hover over the attribute bar that contains the null values you want to examine. (If there are more than 30 attributes in the data source, click the Next arrow to see more.) Note the Null Count. If there are nulls, double-click the bar.
    • Click the Attribute Details tab. In the Attribute Name list, select an attribute that contains the null values you want to examine.

    A tab opens showing attribute metadata and values. Note the following null metadata:

    Null Metadata


    Null Count

    The number of null (empty) values discovered in the selected attribute.

    Null Dist %

    Shows as a percentage how much of the attribute contains the null value.

  4. To see the rows that contain the null values, double-click either Null Count or Null Dist %. The Null: attribute name tab opens, showing data rows that contain the null values. (You also open this tab by clicking the Null section of the Structure > Data Type pie chart.)