Viewing Attributes - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
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Attribute metadata is summary information about the data stored in an attribute. The Discovery Center discovers metadata for each attribute in a data source. Viewing attribute metadata allows you to better understand the content, structure, and relationships of your data.

Attribute metadata includes statistics such as:

  • Minimum and maximum field values
  • Data types
  • Unique values
  • Business rule compliance percentages
  • Soundexes and metaphone phonetic matches
  • Masks and patterns found in the attribute
Note: There are two types of attributes in the Discovery Center, those in a data source and library attributes in rule sets. For more information about library attributes, see Using Attributes and Rules in Rule Sets.

To view attributes in a data source

  1. Open a Data Source. The Attribute Summary tab opens below the Data Source: Name panel and shows metadata and corresponding data values for all attributes in the data source. Each row displays an attribute from the data source. By default, the attributes display in the order they appear in the schema. Click the Attribute Name column to change the order. Click a row to see more information about an attribute's metadata.
  2. In the Data Source: Name panel, click Attribute Details. A list of attributes in the data source populates based on the order the attributes appear in the schema. A tab named after the first attribute becomes active, showing an overview the attribute's metadata. Another tab becomes active, showing values metadata (Frequency, Value, and so on) for the attribute.
  3. Filter, sort, and lock columns as needed. To show hidden columns or to customize your view by hiding columns or rearranging the order of columns, click Column View Options.
  4. To export attributes metadata and attribute values, see Exporting Attributes.