Searching Joins - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
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You can search on the full set of join analyses in the current repository. The Show All option returns a view of all available join analyses. Use the Filtered Search to narrow your results using one or more conditions. For each condition, optionally add one or more sub-groups. Adding a sub-group refines the search by categorizing the results. For example, you can build the following condition and sub-group to find the number of join analyses added on December 25, 2015 by the user wruiz: "Created by contains wruiz" and "Date completed equals 2016/25/12".

A single analysis job can include one or multiple discovered or permanent joins. Join analysis metadata includes information such as the name of the user who ran the join analysis, the date the analysis was run, the number of discovered or permanent joins in the analysis, and the number of data sources used in the analysis (discovered joins only).

Note: Deleted join analysis for permanent joins remains in the repository and is returned with other join search results.
To search join analyses
  1. On the navigation menu, click Data Discovery > View Joins. The Find Join Analyses panel opens showing the Show All and Filtered Search options.
    Note: You can also run a quick join analysis search on the Home page or from the universal search.
  2. To see all join analyses in the repository, click Show All. The Search Results view populates with all available join analyses jobs, in ascending order by Ref column values.
  3. To run a search using conditions:
    1. Click Filtered Search. The conditions panel opens. If the panel is hidden, click Show. Click Clear to remove any filters used in a previous search.
    2. Select the ALL (default) or ANY operator.
    3. Build your conditions by selecting the metadata (left drop-down list), operators (middle drop-down list), and populating the right text box, depending on the metadata and operators you select:
      • Click the join analysis metadata drop-down list (left) and select one of the following options:


      Discovered Joins

      Analysis Name

      Deleted Joins

      Created by

      Permanent Joins

      Number of Sources

      Reviewed %

      Original Joins

      Date Completed

      • Click the operator drop-down list (middle) and select from the available options:



      is before

      does not contain

      does not equal

      is before or equals

      starts with

      greater than

      is after

      ends with

      less than

      is after or equals

      Note: Depending on the metadata selected, not all operators are available.
      • In the text box (right), enter the keyword by which to filter the analyses. The text you enter is not case-sensitive. If you selected Date Completed, click the calendar icon () to choose a date on which to filter.
    4. To add a condition, click the Add condition icon ().
    5. To remove a condition, click the Remove condition icon () .
    6. To add a sub-group, click Add Sub-group and add conditions for the group as needed.
    7. To remove a sub-group, click the Remove group icon ().
    8. Click Find Joins. Join analysis jobs matching the search criteria are listed on the Joins Analyses tab. The following join analysis results display:
      Column Description of Join Analysis Result
      Ref The unique numeric reference ID for the analysis.
      Analysis Name The join analysis name.
      Created by The ID of the user who added discovered join analysis.
      Number of Sources

      The number of data sources used in the discovered join analysis.

      Original Joins The number of joins originally found by the join analysis.
      Discovered Joins The number of discovered joins.
      Deleted Joins

      The number of joins deleted.

      Permanent Joins

      The number of permanent joins.

      Reviewed % The percentage of joins that have been reviewed. (Reviewed joins are permanent.)
      Date Completed

      The date the join analysis was completed.

    9. To remove all conditions and sub-groups and start a new search, click Clear.
  4. To see additional information about the join analysis, on the Join Analyses tab, double-click a row. If there are joins in the analysis, the following occurs:
    • The Join Analysis: Name panel opens, showing an overview of join metadata and a Venn Diagram showing a visual representation of matching and non-matching data rows and values.
    • The Joins and Metadata: Selected Join tabs open below the panel showing the analysis metadata.
    Note: If there are no joins in the analysis, no drill-downs are available. When you hover your cursor over a row, the tool tip No joins found displays when the analysis contains no joins.

    For more information, see Viewing Join Metadata and Venn Diagrams.

  5. To return to the Join Analyses results view, click Done.
  6. To export the join analyses search results to a .CSV file, see Exporting Joins.