Viewing Join Rows and Values - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium Discovery Center
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When you open a join, you can examine the data rows and values included in the join. Viewing values and rows allows you to examine the relationships (or lack thereof) between attributes in data sources or between attributes within a single data source.

You drill down to values and rows from the Metadata: Selected Join tab and from a Venn Diagram.

To view join rows and values from the Metadata: Selected Join tab

  1. On the navigation menu, click Data Discovery > View Joins.
  2. Run a search to find the join analysis you want to view. See Searching Joins.
  3. On the Join Analyses tab, double-click a row to open the Joins and Metadata: Selected Join tabs. The first row in the Joins tab is selected and the Metadata: Selected Join tab populates with details about the selected join. To see information about a different join, double-click another row.
    Note: When you double-click a join on the Joins tab, a Venn Diagram for the join also opens. For more information, see Venn Diagrams.
  4. On the Joins tab, hover over a color-coded bar in Join Intersection column to see the number of matching, left-hand non-matching, and right-hand non-matching values and rows for the selected join.
  5. Click the Metadata: Selected Join tab.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • To drill down to data rows, click any of the following metadata rows with a value of 1 or more:
    • Inner-Joined Rows. The number of joined (matching) rows in the join.
    • Outer-Joined Rows. The number of rows in the outer joins, including joining rows and non-joining rows from both sides.
    • Left Non-Matching Rows. The number of rows on the left-hand side that did not join (match) to data in the right-hand side.
    • Left Outer-Joined Rows. The number of rows in the left outer join, including joining (matching) rows and non-joining left rows.
    • Right Non-Matching Rows. The number of rows on the right-hand side that did not join (match) to data in the left-hand side.
    • Right Outer-Joined Jows. The number of rows in the right outer join, including joining (matching) rows and non-joining right rows.
    • To drill down to values, click any of the following metadata rows with a value of 1 or more:
    • Matching Values. The number of unique joined (matching) values.
    • Left Non-Matching Values. The number of unique values on the left-hand side that did not join (match).
    • Right Non-Matching Values. The number of unique values on the right-hand side that did not join (match).

    Tabs open showing the selected rows or values. Hover over the tab title to see the names of the join's data sources and the joined attributes.

    Row tabs open in the following state to help you review the data row results:

    • The columns showing the left and/or right data source ID values are locked on the left side of the tab view. These can be unlocked as needed.
    • All attribute columns (except data source ID) are color-coded to match the left and right side of the associated Venn Diagram. This allows you to quickly see which side of the join an attribute belongs.
  7. From any values tab, double-click a row to open a tab showing the associated data rows.
  8. (Optional) To export row and value information to your local system, select one or more rows and click Export Rows. For more information, see Exporting Tab Rows.
    Note: To view join rows and values from a Venn Diagram, see Drilling Down From Venn Diagrams.