Select Data Sources for Joins - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
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Depending on the type of join you are adding (permanent or discovered), you must select the data source or sources you want to use for your join analysis. These data sources and attributes will be joined, or intersected, and help give insight to how data relates across or within data sources. Joins can be performed on all attributes regardless of whether they are keys or not.

Before you add a join, review the guidelines in Creating and Discovering Joins.

Note: Add joins using profiled (fully-loaded) data sources only. Dynamic data sources are not supported.

To select join type and data sources for permanent join analysis

Choose two data sources, one that becomes the left-hand side of the join and one that becomes the right-hand side.

  1. See Creating and Discovering Joins to open the Create or Discover Joins window. On the Sources tab, select Create Permanent Join (the default). The Choose Left-Hand Source and Choose Right-Hand Source lists populate with all available data sources in the current repository.
  2. Choose one left-hand data source and one right-hand data source. If there are long lists of names, enter some or all of the name in the Filter fields to filter the lists. To create a join on attributes within a single data source, select the same data source in both lists.
    Note: When you open the Create or Discover Joins window from a data source, the left-hand side source list is filtered to show the current data source. If there are multiple data sources with the same name, the current data source will be highlighted. Select the current data source or clear the filter to select a different left-hand source. Each data source name includes a unique ID.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Continue to save your settings and open the Attributes tab. See Configure Permanent Join Attributes.
    • Click Cancel to close the Create or Discover Joins window without saving your work.

Select join type, data source(s), and attributes for discovered join analysis

To select join type, data source(s), and attributes for discovered join analysis

Choose either one data source to create a self join or two data sources: one that becomes the left-hand side of the join and one that becomes the right-hand side.

  1. See Creating and Discovering Joins to open the Create or Discover Joins window. On the Sources tab, select Discover Joins. The Choose Sources list populates with all data sources to which you have access in the current repository.
    Note: When you open the Create or Discover Joins window from a data source, the current data source is selected by default.
  2. (Optional) Click Allow Self-Joins if you want to check for joins between attributes in a single data source. For example: If a data source contains the attributes EMP_ID, NAME, and MANAGER_ID, you can join within the data source on EMP_ID and MANAGER_ID to determine which employees report to that manager.
  3. Choose data sources and attributes as follows. (If there is a long list of names, enter some or all of the name in the Filter field to filter the lists.)
    • Click one or more data source names to select them and all attributes they contain. For self-joins, select only one data source.
    • Expand a data source to see its attributes. By default, all attributes are selected.
    • Deselect attributes to exclude them from join analysis.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Continue to save your settings and open the Join tab. See Configure Discovered Join Analysis.
    • Click Cancel to close the Create or Discover Joins window without saving your work.