Using the Find Panel - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
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The Find panel on the Home page gives you the tools to quickly locate business rules. You run a search to return all business rules or filter the search with conditions to refine the results.

Search all Business Rules

To search for all business rules

  1. On the Home page, go to the Find panel.
  2. In the Choose a category drop-down list, select Business Rules.
    Note: This option is unavailable if there are no business rules in the repository.
  3. To find all business rules, click Find All. A results page displays showing all available business rules. To filter the results, click Filtered Search and run a search using conditions.

Run a filtered search for Business Rules

To run a filtered search for business rules

  1. On the Home page, go to the Find panel.
  2. In the Choose a category drop-down list, select Business Rules.
  3. From the filter search drop-down list, select one of the following options:
    Aggregating Expression Pass Count Rule Set Name
    Aggregate Expression Fail Count Passing Fraction Status

    Data Source Name

    Filtering Priority Threshold
    Description Filter Expression Result  
    Enabled Grouping Rule Level  
    Error Count Group Expression Rule Name  
  4. In the text box (right), enter the keyword by which to filter the rules. The text string you enter is not case-sensitive. For some selections text boxes are replaced with a drop-down list of additional metadata to choose, as follows:
    • Aggregating. Select either yes or no to find rules that use(equals) or do not use (does not equal) aggregation expressions.
    • Enabled. Select either yes or no to find rules that are enabled (yes) or are not enabled (no).
    • Filtering. Select either yes or no to find rules that use (equals) or do not use (does not equal) filtering expressions.
    • Grouping. Select either yes or no to find rules that use (equals) or do not use (does not equal) grouping expressions.
    • Priority. Select a rule priority from the drop-down list.
    • Result. Select the type of analysis result for which you want to search a rule, including passed, failed, error, no rows, unknown, and no result.
    • Rule Level. Select In Data Sources or In Library depending on whether you want to search for rules associated with data sources or for rules in the Library.
    • Status. Select analyzed, analysis reqd, or rule disabled depending on the state of the rule you want to search.
    • Threshold. Enter a valid percentage value.
  5. Click the Search icon (). Rules matching the search criteria are shown in a filtered results view. If the search returns no match, the message No results were found using the current filter displays.
  6. To edit the filter and run another search, see Searching Business Rules.