Searching Business Rules - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
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You can search on the full set of business rules or library rules in the current repository. Use the Show All option to return a view of all available business rules. Use the Filtered Search option to narrow your search using one or more conditions. For each condition, optionally add one or more sub-groups. Adding a sub-group refines the search by categorizing the results. For example, you can build a search to filter only on rules that match the following two conditions: "Threshold is less than 100" and "Priority is equal to 2".

Note: When creating a filtered search, click Hide to remove the condition panel and see only the summary of your filter criteria.
To search for rules
  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the Home page, go to the Find panel, select Business Rules, and click Find All.
    • In the left navigation menu, select Rules > View Rules.

    The Find Rules panel opens showing the Show All and Filtered Search options. By default, the Show All search is active and the Rules Search Results view populated with all data source business rules in the repository. See Analyzing Business Rules for information on how to run business rule analysis.

  2. To run a search using conditions, click Filtered Search. The conditions panel opens.
  3. Select the ALL (default) or the ANY operator to build one or more condition(s).
  4. Build your conditions by selecting metadata (left drop-down list), operators (middle drop-down list), and populating the right text box or drop-down list depending on the metadata and operators you select.
    1. Click the rules metadata drop-down list (left) and select one of the following options:
      Aggregating Expression Rule Name Rule Set Name

      Aggregate Expression

      Fail Count Pass Count Status

      Data Source Name


      Passing Fraction


      Description Filter Expression Priority  
      Enabled Grouping Result  
      Error Count Group Expression Rule Level  
    2. Click the operator drop-down list (middle) and select from the available options:
      contains equals starts with
      does not contain greater than  
      does not equal is  
      ends with less than  
      Note: Depending on the metadata selected, not all operators are available. For example, if you select Rule Level, you will always get the operator "is".
    3. In the text box (right), enter the keyword by which to filter the rules. The text string you enter is not case-sensitive. For some metadata selections, text boxes are replaced with a drop-down list of additional metadata to choose. For example:
      • For Aggregating, select either yes or no to find rules that use(equals) or do not use (does not equal) aggregation expressions.
      • For Grouping, select either yes or no to find rules that use (equals) or do not use (does not equal) grouping expressions.
      • For Priority, select a rule priority from the drop-down list.
      • For Result, select the type of analysis result for which you want to search a rule, including passed, failed, error, no rows, unknown, and no result.
      • For Rule Level, select In Data Sources or In Library depending on whether you want to search for rules associated with data sources or for rules in the library.
      • For Status, select analyzed, analysis reqd, or rule disabled depending on the state of the rule you want to search.
      • For Threshold, enter a percentage value. If you do not add an appropriate value, you see the message: Enter Percentage Value.
  5. To add a condition, click the Add condition icon ().
  6. To remove a condition, click the Remove condition icon () .
  7. To add a sub-group, click Add Sub-group. Add conditions to the sub-group as needed.
  8. To remove a sub-group, click the Remove Group icon ().
  9. To remove all conditions and sub-groups, clear the Rule Search Results view, and start a new search, click Clear.
  10. Click Find Rules. Rules matching the search criteria are listed in the Rules Search Results view at the bottom of the page.
    Note: See Analyzing Business Rules for information on how to run analysis on business rules.