Business Rules Search Results - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
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When you search for business rules, the rules matching the search criteria are displayed in the Rules Search Results view. Two tabs list relevant details for each rule:

  • Rules Results - Lists analyzed results of the rule that match the search criteria.
  • Rules Metadata - Lists additional properties of the rules displayed in the Rules Results tab.

The Rules Search Results view lists the default columns for each of the tabs mentioned. All non-default columns are hidden from view. To show hidden columns or to customize your view by hiding columns or rearranging the order of columns, use the Column View Options. See Running Business Rule Analysis for information on how to run analysis on one or multiple business rules.

Note the following:

  • The Discovery Center allows up to 100 rules at a time to display the selected columns in their proper sequence, along with any check box selections. For more information, see Setting Pagination.
  • A date and time stamp shows the last time the data in the view was refreshed.
  • To see results of rules contained in a specific data source, from the Data Sources search results view, double-click a data source to open the Rule Results tab. You can also drill-down from a data source's Rules Compliance pie chart (located on the Data Source: Name panel > Summary tab > Data Source Summary tab) to see rules that passed and failed analysis, need analysis, contain no rows, caused an error during analysis, and are disabled.

Rules Results

The Rules Results tab gives you overview of rule analysis results, including if the rules passed, failed, or need analysis.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates that the column displays by default.
Column Description
Rule Name* Name of the business rule.
Data Source ID* Data source identifier.
Data Source Name* Data source associated with the business rule.
Threshold* Percentage of rows or values that should have passed the analysis test.
Enabled* Indicates if rule is enabled or not. Valid values are Yes or No.
Status* Indicates whether the analysis that requested the rule test is out-of-date.
Result* Shows result of the rule: Valid values are passed, failed, error, norows, unknown, "null".
Passing Fraction* Percentage of total rows of the data source that passed the rule, rounded to two decimal places.
Pass Count* Number of rows that passed the rule expression
Fail Count* Number of rows that failed the rule expression.
Error Count* Number of rows that caused an error during business rule analysis. For example TO_INT('Numeric-Attribute') > 0 and the Numeric-Attribute contains the value of Null. This type of result indicates a unexpected condition on data contents and not a condition of the application.
Filter By Error Count* Same as Error Count. While Error Count is based on the expression of the rule, "Filter By Error Count" occurs in the Filter By expression of the rule.
Group Count* Number of groups found during grouping.
Group By Error Count* Number of rows that caused an error when grouping.
Aggregate By Error Count* Number of rows that caused an error when aggregating.
Row Total* Total number of data rows.
Aggregating Indicates if the rule contains a "Aggregate By" expression which results in rows being aggregated. Rule results can be aggregated by either an attribute or an arithmetic calculation using an attribute. For example, Loan-Amount ; Balance * 1.25.
Aggregate First Error Error message for the first row failing the aggregate function.
Aggregate First Error Row First row that caused an aggregate function error.
Aggregate Expression Aggregate expression for the rule.
Aggregate Method The method used for aggregating. Either sum, average, maximum, minimum, or count.
Created By User who created the business rule.
Date Changed Date on which the business rule was changed.
Date Created Date on which the business rule was created.
Description Rule description, if any.
Edited By User who edited the business rule.
Expression The expression used in the business rule.
Failing Aggregate Aggregate value across all failing rows.
Failing Rows Returned Indicates the type of index set for the rule; valid values are Default, Custom, or Unlimited. This controls the number of failing rows that the application server will return for display / view performance purposes.
Failing Rows Threshold If failing rows returned is set to Custom, shows the threshold value. This is the actual number of failing rows to be returned.
Filtering Indicates whether the rows are being filtered.
Filter Expression Business rule filter.
Filter First Error Error message for the first row failing the filter expression.
Filter First Error Row First row that caused a filter function error.
First Error Error message for first failing row.
First Error Row First row that caused an error.
Grouping Indicates if the rule contains a "Grouped By" expression which results in rows being grouped. Rule results can be grouped by one or more attributes contained in the data source. For example, Country ; Country|County.
Group Expression Business rule group-by expression.
Group First Error Error message for first row failing the group-by function.
Group First Error Row First row that caused a group-by function error.
Identifier A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
Library Rule Indicates whether the rule is contained the Library.
Local Identifier A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for a library rule.
Parent Rule ID Parent rule ID.
Passing Aggregate Aggregate value across all passing rows.
Priority Numeric priority value for the rule.
Priority Description Description of rule priority, if any.
Referenced Attributes Attributes used in the rule expression.
Rows Processed Number of rows processed.
Rule Categories Business rule categories.
Rule ID The unique ID of the rule.
Rule Set Name If the Rule Set name is listed, then the rule is a library rule. A rule does not have a Rule Set name if: the rule is directly associated with a data source or the rule is copied from the Library into a data source with the Copy to Data Source feature.
XML Business rule represented in XML.

Rules Metadata

The Rules Metadata tab shows additional properties of the rules.

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates that the column displays by default.
Column Description
Rule Name* Name of the business rule.
Description* Rule description, if any.
Priority* Numeric priority value for the rule.
Rule Categories* Business rule categories.
Rule Set Name*

If the Rule Set name is listed, then the rule is a library rule. A rule will not have a Rule Set name if:

  • the rule is associated with an data source.
  • the rule is copied from the Library into a data source using the Copy to Data Sources feature.
Data Source Name* Data source associated with the business rule.
Threshold* Percentage of rows or values that should have passed the analysis test.
Enabled* Indicates if rule is enabled or not. Valid values are Yes or No.
Expression* The expression used in the business rule.
Filtering* Indicates if the rule contains a "Filter By" expression which results in rows being filtered.
Filter Expression* Business rule filter.
Grouping* Indicates if the rule contains a "Grouped By" expression which results in rows being grouped. Rule results can be grouped by one or more attributes contained in the data source. For example, Country ; Country|County.
Group Expression* Business rule group-by expression.
Aggregating* Indicates if the rule contains a "Aggregate By" expression which results in rows being aggregated. Rule results can be aggregated by either an attribute or an arithmetic calculation using an attribute. For example, Loan-Amount ; Balance * 1.25.
Aggregate Expression* Business rule aggregate expression.
Aggregate Method* The method used for aggregating. Either sum, average, maximum, minimum, or count.
Date Created* Date on which the business rule was created.
Created By* User who created the business rule.
Date Changed* Date on which the business rule was changed.
Edited By* User who edited the business rule.
Aggregate By Error Count Number of rows that caused an error when aggregating.
Aggregate First Error Error message for first row failing the aggregate function.
Aggregate First Error Row First row that caused an aggregate expression error.
Data Source ID Data Source identifier.
Error Count Number of rows that caused an error during business rule analysis. For example TO_INT('Numeric-Attribute') > 0 and the Numeric-Attribute contains the value of Null. This type of result indicates a unexpected condition on data contents and not a condition of the application.
Fail Count Number of rows that failed the rule expression.
Failing Aggregate Aggregate value across all failing rows.
Failing Rows Returned Indicates the type of index set for the rule; valid values are Default, Custom, or Unlimited. This controls the number of failing rows that the application server will return for display / view performance purposes.
Failing Rows Threshold If failing rows returned is set to Custom, shows the threshold value. This is the actual number of failing rows to be returned.
Filter By Error Count Same as Error Count. While Error Count is based on the expression of the rule, "Filter By Error Count" occurs in the Filter By expression of the rule.
Filter First Error Error message for first row failing the filter.
Filter First Error Row First row that caused a filter error.
First Error Error message for first failing row.
First Error Row First row that caused an error.
Group By Error Count Number of rows that caused an error when grouping.
Group Count Number of groups found during grouping.
Group First Error Error message for first row failing the group-by function.
Group First Error Row First row that caused a group-by function error.
Identifier A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
Library Rule Whether the rule is contained the Library.
Local Identifier A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for a library rule.
Parent Rule ID Parent rule ID.
Pass Count Number of rows that passed the rule expression
Passing Aggregate Aggregate value across all passing rows.
Passing Fraction Percentage of total rows of the data source that passed the rule, rounded to two decimal places.
Priority Description Description of rule priority, if any.
Referenced Attributes Attributes used in the rule expression.
Result Shows result of the rule: Valid values are passed, failed, error, norows, unknown, "null."
Rows Processed Number of rows processed.
Row Total Total number of data rows.
Rule ID Row number.
Status Indicates whether the analysis that requested the rule test is out-of-date.
XML Business rule represented in XML.