When you add or edit a data source rule, you have the option to add the rule to a rule set in the Library. This topic describes how to add a rule to an existing rule set in the Library. During the process, attributes used in the rule are mapped to attributes stored in the rule set. You have the option to add more attributes as needed and to associate the rule's data source to the rule set.
The Add Rule to Existing Library Rule Set window has three tabs labeled Select, Map, and Add to guide you through the three-step process. Your work is saved as you continue through the tabs. At any time during the process you can view a summary of your selections and make edits to your saved work. You can work in other areas of the Discovery Center while keeping the window open.
Note: Rules cannot be added to a rule set that already contains a rule with the same name.
You will be prompted to change the name.
To add a rule to an existing rule set
Do one of the following:
The Business Rule: Name panel opens.
Click the Properties tab.
Click Add to Library > Add to Existing Rule Set. (This option is unavailable if there are no rule sets in the Library or if the rule is already in a rule set.) The Add Rule to Existing Library Rule Set window opens.
Select. From the Select tab, start by selecting the rule set into which you want to copy the rule. Only rule sets not associated with other data sources are available.
Note: If there are rule sets in the Library that do not contain attributes, they will
not be included in the list.
Click Continue.
If the rule set contains a rule with the same name, a Duplicate Rule Name message opens:
- Click OK to append the rule name with an underscore and a number and continue to the Map tab. For example, Boston data would be renamed Boston data_1 if this were the first duplicate rule in the rule set to be renamed. Each renamed rule is appended with the next available number.
Note: The rule name will update wherever it is used.
- Click Edit Rule to return to the Business Rule: Name panel and edit the rule name as needed.
- Click Select Another Rule Set to return to the Select Rule Set tab.
Map. Map all rule attributes to attributes in the rule set.
Add. Finish adding the rule as follows:
- If the data source is already associated with the rule set and you want the business rule to remain, select Keep a copy of the original rule with the data source.
- If the data source is not already associated with the rule set, for Associate this data source to this rule set?. select one of the following:
Yes (the default). This copies the rule and its attributes to the rule set and maintains a connection between the rule set and the data source. If you update the rule in the rule set, the changes are reflected in the original rule.
Note: Maintaining the connection removes the rule's analysis metadata. Rerun the rule
at a later time to regenerate the results.
No. This creates a library rule copy of the original. The copy will have no connection to the original. Select Remove rule from data source to delete the original rule from the data source.
To edit your settings:
- Click the Select or Map tab when it shows a green check.
- Click Summary at any time to see an overview of your saved selections. From the Summary page:
- Click the edit icon () for the step you want to edit. This closes the Summary and opens the step for editing.
- Click Back or In Progress to open the last step you worked on.
Note: When you return to a tab to edit information, verify the selections on other
tabs because they may need to change based on your edits. For example, if you are
working on the Add tab and you go back and select a different rule set on the
Select tab, you will need to remap attributes on the Map tab.
Do one of the following:
- To add the rule, click Finish. The following message displays:
Rule rule
name has been added to the Library as part of
rule set name. Click the rule set's name to open it in the Library.
- To close the window without saving your work, click Cancel or the X icon.