Viewing Metadata of Rules in a Rule Set - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
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The Rules tab lists the business rules that make up a rule set along with their metadata. When you open the Rules tab, you see only the default metadata columns. To show hidden columns or to customize your view by rearranging the order of columns, use Choose Columns.

To view metadata of rules in a rule set

  1. In the left navigation menu, select Library >Rules Library. The Business Rules Library panel lists all rule sets.
  2. On the Rule Sets tab, double-click a rule set to view its properties. The Rule Set: Name panel opens.

    The Rules, Attributes, and Associations tabs are located below this panel.

  3. On the Rules tab, view the library rules in the rule set and their metadata using the guidelines in Metadata of Rules in a Rule Set.
  4. To customize your view, click Choose Columns.
  5. To add a rule to the rule set, click Add Rule and follow the instructions in Adding Rules to a Rule Set.

Metadata of Rules in a Rule Set

The following table lists the metadata of rules in a rule set.
Note: An asterisk (*) indicates that the column displays by default.
Default Columns Description
Rule Name* Name of the library business rule.
Threshold* Percentage of rows or values that should have passed the analysis test.
Enabled* Indicates if the library rule is enabled or not. Valid values are Yes or No.
Priority* Numeric priority value for the library rule.
Filtering* Indicates if the library rule contains a "Filter By" expression which results in rows being filtered.
Grouping* Indicates if the library rule contains a "Grouped By" expression which results in rows being grouped. Rule results can be grouped by one or more attributes contained in the data source. For example, Country ; Country|County
Aggregating* Indicates if the library rule contains a "Aggregate By" expression which results in rows being aggregated. Rule results can be aggregated by either an attribute or an arithmetic calculation using an attribute. For example, Loan-Amount ; Balance * 1.25
Aggregate Method* The method used for aggregating values.
Date Created*

Date and time when the library rule was created.

Created By User who created the library rule.
Date Changed Date and time when the library rule was changed.
Edited by User who last edited the library rule.
Rule ID Row number.
Failing Rows Returned Indicates the type of index set for the rule; valid values are Default, Custom, or Unlimited. This controls the number of failing rows that the application server will return for display / view performance purposes.
Failing Rows Threshold If failing rows returned is set to Custom, shows the threshold value. This is the actual number of failing rows to be returned.
Description A description of the rule.