Adding Rule Sets Overview - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
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Rule sets are groups of rules and attributes stored in the Library. Rule sets allow you to reuse business rules to help foster consistency of data quality standards across teams and data repositories. When you add a rule set, you have the option of adding attributes, rules, and data source associations now or at a later time.

The Add New Rule Set to Library window guides you through the three-step process, including Name Rule Set, Attribute Options, and Add Rule Options.

Note: Associating a rule set to one or more data sources is optional but recommended. You cannot associate rule sets to data sources until you have added at least one attribute and one rule.

To add a rule set

  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the Home page, go to the Add panel. In the Choose a category drop-down list, select New Rule Set,then click the plus icon ().
    • On the left navigation menu:
    • Select Rules > Add New Rule Set.
    • Select Library > Rules Library. In the Business Rules Library, click Add New Rule Set.

    The Add New Rule Set to Library window opens.

  2. In the Name Rule Set section:
    1. For Name, enter the name of the rule set. The Save button is enabled.
    2. For Description, enter a brief description of the rule set.
    3. Click Save.

    Note the following;

    • The following message displays: The Rule Set Name has been added to the Library. If you click the rule set name in the message, the Add New Rule Set to Library window closes and the Rule Set: Name panel opens.
    • The Add Attributes, Add Another Rule Set, and Done buttons are enabled.
    • Click Done at any time to add the rule set to the Library and close the Add New Rule Set to Library window.
  3. In the Attribute Options section, click Add Attributes. See Adding and Editing Attributes.
  4. In the Add Rule Options section, click Add Rule. See Adding and Editing Rules.
  5. After you name the rule set and, optionally add attributes and business rules, do one of the following:
    • To create an association (or link) between the new rule set and the rules and attributes in a data source, click Associate Rule Set to Data Source. See Associating Rule Sets with Data Sources Overview.
    • Click Add Another Rule Set to add another rule set to the Library.
    • Click Done to close the Add New Rule Set to Library window. The Rule Set: Name panel opens for the last rule set you added. You can review and edit the rule set as needed. See Editing Rule Sets.

Adding and Editing Attributes

Populate the list of attributes used in the rule set using one or more of the following methods:
  • Adding existing attributes stored in another rule set
  • Adding existing attributes stored in another data source
  • Defining new rule set attributes

To add and edit attributes in the Add New Rule Set to Library window

  1. To add existing attributes, click Select Source and select one of the following:
    • To copy the attributes from an existing rule set, select Another Rule Set. A list of available rule sets that contain attributes displays.
    1. Click the rule set name you want to use.
    2. Click Select. The attributes in the rule set are copied to the attribute list.

      Any duplicate attributes are not copied.

    • To copy the attributes from an existing data source, select Stored Data Source. A list of available data sources displays.
    1. Click the data source name you want to use.
    2. Click Select. The attributes in the data source are copied to the list.

      Any duplicate attributes are not copied.

  2. To add newattributes to the list:
    1. In the Attribute Name column, click the empty top row.
    2. Enter the attribute name.

      Attribute names are case-sensitive and must be unique. For example, attributes "Broker Key" and "broker key" are recognized as different attributes.

    3. (Optional) Enter a brief Description.
    4. Click the Plus button (). The attribute is added to the list. The In Use column shows the value No.
    5. Add additional attributes in the top row as needed. Click the Plus button () to save each attribute to the list.
  3. To delete an attribute, click the X button (). Attributes with the lock icon () in the Add/Delete column are used elsewhere and cannot be deleted.
  4. When you are finished adding attributes, click Apply to save the list. A changes saved confirmation message opens. Click OK to close the message and return to the Attribute Options section of the Add New Rule Set to Library window.
  5. To make changes to the attributes, click Edit Attribute List.
  6. To continue, do one of the following:

Adding and Editing Rules

  1. Click Add Rule or Add Another Rule. The Add New Rule window displays.
  2. In the Create Rule section:
    • Enter a name for the rule.
    • Enter a brief description for the rule.
  3. In the Add Expression section, define the rule expression using functions, attributes, literals, and operators. Define the expression manually or use the Edit Primary Expression window as follows:
    1. Click the edit button . The Edit Primary Expression window opens.
    2. Define the expression statement in the text area. See Using the Expression Builder. For attribute names that start with a zero (0), include the name within single quotes, for example, '01line'. Otherwise, you will get an error.
    3. Click Done to save the expression. If the expression is incorrect, you see the message: Provide valid Rule Expression.
  4. (Optional) Define the Filter By, Group By, or Aggregate By expression. For more information, see Advanced Options.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. In the Add Details and Finish section, define the following:
    • For Passing Threshold, use the slider to specify the threshold percentage. Alternatively, in the text field beside the slider enter a numeric value with up to two decimal places of precision, for example 92.78.

    The threshold value reflects the percentage of rows that you want to comply with this business rule. For example, enter 100 if all rows must comply.

    • For Categories, add a rule category as needed. See Associating Categories with Rules.
    • For Priority, click the drop-down list and select a rule priority.
    • For Maximum Failing Rows Returned, click the drop-down list and select Default, Custom, or Unlimited. If you choose Custom, enter a numeric value to specify the threshold. 16,000 is the default. For more information, see Maximum Failing Rows Returned.
    • Clear Enabled if you want to disable the rule. When you disable a rule, it remains in the rule set but cannot be analyzed when associated with a data source.
  7. Click Back to make changes to the rule name, description, or expression, then click Continue.
  8. Click Save to add the rule and return to the Add Rule Options section of the Add New Rule Set to Library window.
  9. Do one of the following:
    • Click Add Another Rule to add more rules to the rule set.
    • Click Associate Rule Set to Data Source. See Associating Rule Sets with Data Sources Overview .
    • Click Add Another Rule Set to start adding another rule set to the Library.
    • Click Done to close the Add New Rule Set to Library window. The Rule Set: Name panel opens showing the last rule set you added. You can review and edit the rule set as needed. See Editing Rule Sets.