- Allows you to connect to flat, fixed-length files described by COBOL Copybooks. The data must match copybook layout.
- DB2
- Allows you to connect to DB2 relational databases.
- Delimited
- Allows you to connect to ASCII, extended ASCII, or hexadecimal delimiter files.
- Fixed-Length
- Allows you to connect to flat files, including those created by TS Quality processes in the Control Center.
- Allows you to connect to a selection of databases, including Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Informix, Teradata, Sybase, and many others without installing any external component. For example, you can read from and write to an Oracle database without the Oracle client. (The ODBC drivers are installed with the TSS server software.)
- ODBC (Vendor)
- Allows you to connect to a selection of databases using ODBC drivers supplied by database vendors. Choose this option to connect to an ODBC database that is not available for the ODBC connection.
- Oracle
- Allows you to connect to an Oracle database.