Using the Find Panel for Repositories - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Administration Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Discovery
Trillium Administration Center
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The Find panel on the Home page gives you the tools to quickly locate all repositories on the current repository server. You run a search to return all repositories or filter the search with conditions to refine the results.

Note: This functionality is unavailable if there are no repositories on the repository server.

To search for all repositories

  1. On the Home page, go to the Find panel.
  2. In the Choose a category drop-down list, select Repositories.
  3. To find all repositories, click Find All. A results page displays showing all available repositories. To filter the results, click Filtered Search and run a search using conditions.

Run a filtered search for Repositories

To run a filtered search for repositories

  1. On the Home page, go to the Find panel.
  2. In the Choose a category drop-down list, select Repositories.
  3. From the filter search drop-down list, select one of the following options and enter associated criteria:
    Note: Text strings you enter are not case-sensitive.
    Options Description

    Repository Name

    In the contains field, enter part or all of the repository name.


    In the equals drop-down list, select yes or no.

    Created By

    In the contains field, enter the ID of the user who added the repository.

    Date Changed

    In the equals field, click the calendar icon () and choose the date the repository was last edited.

    Date Created

    In the equals field, click the calendar icon () and choose the date the repository was added.

    Default Profile Pattern

    In the equals drop-down list, select one of the following pattern types:

    • default
    • rich
    • long
    • Greek
    • Hebrew
    • Turkish

    Edited By

    In the contains field, enter the ID of the user who edited the repository.


    In the equals drop-down list, select the desired locale (your unique language or region identifier) for your collation method.

    Public Cache Size

    In the equals field, enter the value (in MB) for the public cache size configured for the repository.

  4. Click the Search icon (). Repositories matching the search criteria are shown in a filtered results view. If the search returns no match, the message No results were found using the current filter displays.
  5. To search using additional criteria, see Searching Repositories.