Deploying Rule Sets Overview - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - Latest

Inline Discovery

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Trillium > Trillium Quality
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Discovery
Inline Discovery
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To view rule set job run history and track historic trends over time in the Quality Monitor environment, you must first deploy a rule set from Discovery Center. After a rule set is deployed, it runs automatically based on a schedule you specify. The rules are run against a data source associated with the rule set. When the job finishes, view the results of the job analysis in Quality Monitor to see if the job passed or failed based on the job threshold. You can also view details about the job instance. Multiple job runs allow you to see trends in job history and understand at what point your jobs are failing or passing your company's data quality standards.

Use the Deploy Rule Set window to guide you through the following steps:

  • Name & Source. Give the deployment job a unique name and specify a data source to use. Deployment is run using a single data source associated with the current rule set.
  • Output Settings. Specify how you want the output of the deployment job to be configured, including which failing rows, passing rows, and/or errored rows you want to see in the analysis and the threshold at which the job should pass rule analysis.
  • Scheduling Options. Run the job analysis a single time or schedule the job to repeat on a scheduled basis.

Using the Deploy Rule Set Window

The Deploy Rule Set window has tabs to guide you through the three-step process. At any time during the process you can return to a tab and edit your work.


You can work in other areas of Discovery Center while keeping the Deploy Rule Set window open.

To open and use the Deploy Rule Set window

  1. From the left navigation menu, click Rules Library.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • From the Rule Sets tab, select a rule set and click Deploy.
    • Double-click a rule set. The Rule Set: Name panel opens. Click Deploy. (If you have made changes to the rule set, save your changes before clicking Deploy.)

    If the Deploy button is not available, associate the rule set to at least one data source.

    The Deploy Rule Set window opens with the Name & Source tab active.

    If the Enter Credentials window opens, the system must verify you as authorized to deploy rule sets. For example, if your Discovery Center credentials are different than your Quality Monitor credentials. Do the following:

    1. Enter your Quality Monitor User ID and Password.
    2. Select the Quality Monitor Repository to which you want the rule set deployed.
    3. Click Submit. The Deploy Rule Set window opens. If the credentials are not recognized, enter the correct credentials or contact your Quality Monitor administrator.

    You will be prompted to supply credentials only once during the current Discovery Center session.

  3. Name & Source. Start by giving the deployment job a unique name and select a data source.
  4. Output Settings. Configure the rows you want in your output and specify a job threshold.
  5. Scheduling Options. Specify the time you want the deployment job to run; either one time or repeated at a scheduled interval.

    After you continue to the next tab, you can return to a previous tab to make edits. Clicking Deploy starts the deployment process.

    To close the window at any time without saving your work, click Cancel or the X icon.