Offsets are used for the following three string functions in the Expression Builder:
- INSSTR - Insert one string into another string at the specified offset.
- OCCSTR - Parses a string to find the location of a substring and returns a numeric value equivalent to the position of the substring occurrence counted from the left of the string.
- SUBSTR - Returns a substring which describes characters at the beginning, middle, or end of a string.
By default, offsets are 1-based (offset by 1), unless you are working with a project created in a legacy (pre-Version 13) project, in which case the results are 0-based. You can change the offset base value by editing the configuration file. For example, when you are importing a project created in pre-Version 13.0, or you know that your project is 0-based, you can change the offset base value from 1 to 0 by editing the configuration file.
To change the offset base value