Viewing Passing and Failing Rules - 17.1

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
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You can drill down and view the results of a single business rule analysis from the Rules Analysis Results view. The analysis results include:

  • Failing Results
  • Passing Results
  • Group By Results
Note: A date and time stamp shows the last time the data in the Rules Analysis Results view was refreshed.
Note: Group By results are not available for business rules associated with dynamic data sources.

Failing and Passing Results

The Failing and Passing Results tabs list the following attribute information. By default, all other data source attributes are hidden. To view the hidden columns, use Choose Columns.

  • Row - Unique ID for the data row.
  • Permanent Keys of one or more data source attributes that are defined as permanent keys for the data source.
  • Attributes that are used by the rule expression and in the Filter By, Group By, and Aggregate By options.

Group By Results

The Group By Results tab is available only if the given business rule contains a Group By expression and is enabled. It shows the following information:

  • Grouped Values - Values used in the expression to group the results.
  • Passing Rows - Number of rows in a group that passed compliance.
  • Failing Rows - Number of rows in a group that failed compliance.
  • Passing Fraction - Of the total rows processed, the percentage of rows that passed the rule analysis and belong to the specific group.
  • Failing Fraction - Of the total rows processed, the percentage of rows that failed the rule analysis and belong to the specific group.
  • Total Number of Rows - Number of rows in the group.

If the business rule has the Aggregate By option defined, the following columns are also available:

  • Aggregate over Passing Rows - The aggregate value for all passing rows in the group.
  • Aggregate over Failing Rows - The aggregate value for all failing rows in the group.

You can also drill down to see rows that contain a specific Group By value, categorized by passing and failing data rows.

To view rule analysis metadata for a single business rule
  1. In the Rules Search Results view, double-click a business rule to open the Rule Analysis Results view.
    • If the business rule is disabled, you see the message: Rule is currently disabled. There are no results to show.
    • If the business rule requires analysis, you see the message: Rule requires analysis. There are no results to show.
  2. Click the Failing Results tab to view all rows that failed the business rule analysis. The Failing Results tab is available only if the Fail Count is greater than zero.
  3. For passing results, a message displays alerting you that passing results are not automatically displayed. To view any available passing results:
    1. Click Show up to First 10,000 Passing Results. A confirmation message opens asking if you want to continue.
    2. To continue loading passing results, click Yes. The Passing Results tab displays and populates with rows that passed rule analysis. It may take a few minutes for the tab to populate depending on the number of passing rows returned. (The Passing Results tab is available only if the Pass Count is greater than zero.)

      By default, data sources are configured to return up to 10,000 rows when populating the Passing Results tab. This default can be modified in the server file config.txt by repository administrators. For example, passing rows returned may be restricted to up to 1,000 rows only. Or the restriction can be eased to display more passing rows in the data source; for example, 100,000 rows. The higher the row value, the longer it will take for the passing rows to be returned.

      Note: For information about changing the config.txt file, see the topic Changing Passing Row Limit in the Administration Center help.
  4. Click the Group By Results tab to view the metadata associated with grouped results. The Group By Results tab is available only if the business rule contains a Group By expression and is enabled. To drill down to passing and/or failing data that contains the Group By value:
    1. Double-click a row. Two tabs open, one showing failing results and one showing passing results for rows that contain the Group By value. When there are no failing or passing results for the value, the associated tab will not open. Open up to six tabs at a time. If you try to open more, you are alerted to close a tab to continue.
    2. Click the grouped_value Failed or grouped_value Passed tabs to view the data rows for that value.
    3. Click the x on a tab to close it.
  5. To show hidden columns or to customize your view by hiding columns or rearranging the order of columns, click Column View Options.
  6. To export one or more data rows, select the check box next to the data rows or click one or more rows to highlight the rows. To select all rows in the current view, click Select Page. Click Export Results and use the instructions in Exporting Rule Analysis Results.
  7. To view rule summary information, click the Summaries tab in the Business Rule: name panel. See Viewing Business Rule Summary.
  8. To edit and run the rule, click the Properties tab. See Modifying a Business Rule.