The latest HOLDDATA file (holddata.txt) is now available on FTP server Also, an improvement has been made to the HOLDDATA file format and it can be easily retrieved from your z/OS environment. Therefore, you can include the latest MFX HOLDDATA file in an automated retrieval process.
HOLDDATA updated keywords
- The ++HOLD(BSSIZ31) has been replaced with ++HOLD(TZnnnnn), where TZnnnnn is the name of the PTF with an issue.
- The Reason(TZnnnnn) has been replaced with Reason(MFnnnnn) where MFnnnnn is an internal record-keeping number for the issue that was found.
- The ERROR DATE (in julian format yynnn) is now the date that the error is reported.
- CHGDT (yymmdd) is the date when the updated PTF is released, if not, it indicates the date of HOLDDATA file generation.
HOLDDATA HIPER information flags
The following reason flags for HIPER APARs have been included in the comment field. These HIPER flags provide information when prioritizing the review of any uninstalled fixes.
Reason Flag | Keyword | Description |
DAL | DATALOSS | Causes customer data destruction, contamination or both. (incorrect output) |
FUL | FUNCTIONLOSS | Causes a major loss of function on the sort. |
PRF | PERFORMANCE | Causes severe impact to performance or throughput. |
PRV | PERVASIVE | Problem that can affect many customers. |
IPL | Initial Program Load | Causes the customer to re-IPL, reboot, recycle, or restart one or more systems or subsystems. |
For more information, refer to the topic Maintenance in Syncsort™ MFX Installation.